Aino Juslén
Unit director zoology, PII work as the director of the zoology unit of Finnish Museum of Natural History. My own Phd was on plant systematics but during the diverse career at the environmental administration and research I´ve also got interested in, e.g., using the red-list data on decision making. I´m also heavily involved with development of the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility FinBIF ( - Open Data source for public, authorities and business. |
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Flyhigh - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange ProgrammeI´m leading a Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Programme FlyHigh funded by EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions during 2015-2018. FlyHigh studies the life cycles of underexplored phytophagous and saprophagous flies aiming to obtaining ecological and evolutionary data that will be used to elucidate evolutionary features of fly species and geophyte plants and useful information that could be exploited for mass production of insects. Artificial rearing of flies produces beneficial end products for animal feeding, valorisation of agri-food by-products or as bio-agents for e.g. complementary pollination services in natural or greenhouse environments. The exchange programme involves researchers, students, laboratory and technical staff of scientific collections from Finland (University of Helsinki), Spain (University of Alicante, company Bioflytech), Serbia (University of Novi Sad), and South Africa (company Agriprotein). The planned exchanges are altogether 100 months and the budget of the programme is 450 000 euros. The funding is for travelling and laboratory and collecting materials during the exchanges; it does not include salaries. |
The research programme for poorly known and threatened species PUTTEPUTTE reserch programme is part of the Finnish Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO. I coordinate the PUTTE consortium of Luomus consisting 4 different projects (2012–2014). Recently a book on terrestrial molluscs of Finland was published as a result of PUTTE project. In co-operation with the coordinator of the PUTTE programme we have published an evaluation on the results of the first ten years of the programme. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-013-0444-1. Furthermore, I a member of the steering group of the project that supports the research and development activities of METSO.