Finnish Museum of Natural History

World Archaeognatha in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)

This list documents museum samples in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH) = Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo (Luomus). It is very much a work in progress and may contain many errors, duplicates, obsolete or unpublished names and simple mistakes.

The GBIF suggested names are automatically generated and have not been reviewed; they may contain mistakes. The Eastern Fennoscandian (Finland and adjacent areas of Russia) material is in another collection.

File last updated: 2019-11-20 10:37 by Heidi Viljanen

Group: Archaeognatha (World Collection)

name count origin comments FinBIF GBIF recognised full name
Archaeognatha 7 Spain, Cyprus Archaeognatha