There's A Sponge Growing On My Roof: The Difference A Green Roof Can Make In The World
There's A Sponge Growing On My Roof: The Difference A Green Roof Can Make In The World
"This is the world’s first green roof book for children. There’s A Sponge Growing On The Roof uses a simple story and brilliant digital paintings to explain how green roofs can help the environment, families, and even our beloved pets. Protecting the environment in the future – especially in urban areas where most people will live - will require a much deeper understanding of the human-environment interaction and the role of green technologies in preserving our natural resources. The story begins with a soaking rain flooding a families pet bunnies. The children try to barricade the bunnies home, but the torrent of water gushing from the roof top is too much. As the parents look for solutions to the flooding, they come across a centuries-old technology called, “green roofs.”