This October, the Finnish Environment Institute relaunched the website. The website summarises biodiversity monitoring data for Finland in the form of easy to understand indicators. The Finnish Museum of Natural History (Luomus) has played a key role in the development of the new...
The Finnish Museum of Natural History was recognised for its extensive long-term work for open science. The first University of Helsinki Open Science Award was granted in 2017. This year, the Award jury wanted to place special emphasis on the role of faculties and research-focused independent...
En ny undersökning som genomförts i Finland visar att förändringarna i fågelbestånden är lika snabba i naturskyddsområdena som utanför dem.
A recent Finnish study has proven that changes in bird communities are as rapid in nature conservation areas as they are outside them.
A recently published study on data collected by bird hobbyists, established that 26 common Finnish bird species have started their nesting earlier during the past fifty years.
Massiviinen Suomen Lajitietokeskuksen portaali kerää ensimmäistä kertaa Suomen eliölajitiedon yhteen paikkaan. Testikäytössä olevasta palvelusta rakentuu työkalu tutkijoille, päättäjille, luontoharrastajille sekä opettajille ja oppilaille. Portaalissa kuka tahansa voi selvittää vaikka...