Finnish Museum of Natural History


Preliminary programme 2015

Sunday 31st May

Arrival, accommodation

Monday 1st June

8.00–10.50 Arrival, registration, coffee in the museum entrance hall (street address Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13)

10.50 Opening of the colloquium (Economicum lecture room, adjacent building)

11.00–12.00 PLENARY prof. John Koprowski: Listen to the chatter: what can squirrels teach us about conservation in a changing world?

12.00–13.00 Session: Conservation, Chair: Ilpo K. Hanski
Andrea Santangeli & Ralf Wistbacka
Finding the minimum required forest patch size for Siberian flying squirrel females - implications for revising the legislation
Todd M. Wilson
Importance of forest structure for northern flying squirrels and implications for promoting habitat favorable for spotted owls
Craig Shuttleworth
Out of the frying pan and into the fire: what future for the red squirrel on Anglesey?

13.00–14.00 Lunch (Hotel Presidentti, Restaurant Sevilla)

14.00–15.30 Session: Conservation, Chair: Melissa Merrick
Christine A. Kelly, Corinne A. Diggins & Andrew J. Lawrence
Crossing structures reconnect federally endangered flying squirrel populations divided for 20 years by road barrier
Stuart Wells
Developing an ex situ propagation for release program for the endangered Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) at the Phoenix Zoo’s Johnson Foundation Conservation Center
Elisabeth Halliwell, Rhys Jenkins, Iolo Lloyd & Craig Shuttleworth
Clocaenog forest: illuminating the challenges of red squirrel conservation in commercial spruce plantations
Corinne A. Diggins, L. Michelle Gilley, Christine A. Kelly & W. Mark Ford
Use of ultrasonic acoustics as a monitoring technique for endangered Carolina northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) in the Appalachian Mountains

15.30–16.00 Coffee break (Economicum entrance hall)

16.00–17.00 Session: Squirrel distribution, Chair: Andrea Santangeli
Tytti Turkia
Large-scale patterns in abundance of the red squirrel in Finland and Russia
Juri Kurhinen et al.            
New data on the areal and territorial distribution of the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans L.) in Eurasian boreal forests
Murali Krishna, Awadhesh Kumar & Tripathi Om Prakash
Gliding Squirrels of Eastern Himalayan Arunachal Pradesh, India

18.30–22.00 Dinner and Welcome party at the museum; presentation of exhibitions of the Natural History Museum

Tuesday 2nd June

9.00–10.00 PLENARY prof. John Gurnell: Red gives way to grey – is the complete replacement of red squirrels by grey squirrels in the British Isles now inevitable?

10.00–10.30 Coffee break

10.30–12.00 Session: Invasive species, Chair: Takeo Kawamichi
Anna Lisa Signorile, Peter Lurz, Jinliang Wang, Daniel C. Reuman & Chris Carbone
Mixture or mosaic? The historical spread of grey squirrels in the UK supports the role of multiple translocations over a single expansion front
Emily Goldstein, Fidelma Butler & Colin Lawton 
Comparing dynamics of frontier and established invasive grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) populations
Pizza Ka Yee Chow, Lisa Leaver & Stephen Lea
Fifty (one) shades of grey (and red) squirrels: do the two species differ intrinsically in flexibility?
Peter Lurz & Andrew White
The spread of squirrelpox in southern Scotland: an assessment of disease control efforts and future conservation options

12.00–13.00 Lunch (Hotel Presidentti, Restaurant Sevilla)

13.00–13.40 Session: Invasive species, Chair: John Scheibe
Maria Vittoria Mazzamuto, Mattia Panzeri, Marina Morandini, Ambrogio Molinari, Lucas Wauters, Damiano Preatoni & Adriano Martinoli
Callosciurus erythraeus and Sciurus vulgaris in Italy: a new case study of the competition between invasive and native species
Jonathan Derbridge & John Koprowski   
Effects of experimental removals of an invasive competitor on space use of an endangered tree squirrel

13.40-15.00 Session: Dispersal, Chair: Vesa Selonen
Melissa Merrick & John Koprowski  
Natal dispersal on the edge: why they leave, why they stop, and how they get there
Allyssa Kilanowski & John Koprowski    
Cavity nest selection during juvenile dispersal: behavioral phenotypes are more influential than natal habitat cues
Karen Fey, Suvi Hämäläinen & Vesa Selonen 
Dispersing red squirrels do not avoid roads

15.00–17.00 Poster session in the museum building, coffee and snacks

Wednesday 3rd June

Field trip to Evo Kotinen primeval forest

12.00 Bus to Evo

14.00–16.30 Forest excursion

17.00 Dinner at Lammi Biological Station

18.00–19.30 Bus to Helsinki

21.00–00.30 Night trip to Espoo flying squirrel forest

Thursday 4th June

8.30-10.00 Session: Modeling behaviour and environment, Chair: Sanna Mäkeläinen
Hannah Jones, Andrew White & Peter Lurz    
A modelling assessment of population dynamics of red squirrels in Northern England in relation to forest design plans
Elizabeth Flaherty, Winston Smith, Stephanie Trapp & Patrick Zollner 
Predicting persistence of northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) in a fragmented landscape using field data, laboratory experiments, and spatially explicit modelling
Margaret Flaherty & Colin Lawton
Using species distribution models and landscape connectivity analysis to develop management strategies for squirrel conservation
Henrik J de Knegt, Vesa Selonen, Ilpo K Hanski & Otso Ovaskainen  
Separating processes and phases in Siberian flying squirrel movements

10.00–10.30 Coffee break

10.30–12.00 Session: Behaviour, Chair: Michael Steele
Noriko Tamura, Yukiko Fujii, Phadet Boonkeow & Budsabong Kanchanasaka 
Color vision and species recognition of Callosciurus finlaysonii
Mieko Kawamichi, Melissa Merrick, Kyoko Hazama, John Koprowski & Takeo Kawamichi                 
Daily activity and nest use in cliff chipmunks Tamias dorsalis
Takeo Kawamichi & Shuji Kanazawa              
Video monitoring nest boxes of a female Japanese giant flying squirrel Petaurista leucogenys for 9 years
Shannon Digweed, Drew Rendall & Teana Imbeau          
Who’s your neighbour? Acoustic cues to individual identity in red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) rattle calls

12.00–13.00 Lunch (Hotel Presidentti, Restaurant Sevilla)

The afternoon workshop (13.00-15.00) is based on the Italian PRIN project “Climate change and animal populations: predictive models for mammals and birds.” PRIN (Project of National Interest) 2010–2011, Coordinator: Prof. Marco Apollonio; Partners: University of Sassari, Insubria Varese, Pavia, Palermo and ISAC-CNR, Turin (Code: 20108 TZKHC)

13.00-14.00 PLENARY prof. Luc Wauters
Will global warming affect producer-consumer dynamics in tree squirrels? The case of Eurasian red squirrels in the Alps

14.00-15.00 Session: Climate change, Chair: Winston Smith
Jeffrey Lane, Andrew McAdam, Eryn McFarlane, Cory Williams, Murray Humphries, David Coltman, Jamie Gorrell & Stan Boutin
Phenotypic stasis belies a phenological advance at the genetic level in North American red squirrels - cancelled
Vesa Selonen, Ralf Wistbacka & Erkki Korpimäki              
Effects of weather and food on reproduction of European red squirrels and Siberian flying squirrels
John Koprowski                                 
Squirrels and their cache sites as indicators of global change

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-17.00 Session: Morphometrics, genetics, parasites, Chair: Lisa Signorile
John Scheibe                                  
Geometric morphometrics of the skull and dentary in gliding mammals
Patrícia Pečnerová, Jiří C. Moravec &, Natália Martínková        
Systematic puzzle resolved: morphological convergence explains the conflict of morphology and genetics in Sciurini tree squirrels
Karen Munroe                       
Population genetics of two overlapping populations of tree squirrels (Sciurus carolinesis and S. niger)
Francesca Santicchia, Claudia Romeo, Adriano Martinoli, Paolo Lanfranchi, Lucas Wauters & Nicola Ferrar
Indirect effects on host resistance to parasite infections: preliminary evidence in the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

18.30–22.00 Banquet at the Kaisaniemi Botanical Garden

Friday 5th June

8.30-10.00 Session: Landscape and urban ecology, Chair: Peter Lurz
JT Pynne & Andrew Edelman                          
Influence of pine forest fragmentation on southeastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) occupancy patterns
Steven M. Sullivan & Amy T. Sullivan     
Squirrel demography as an indicator of local ecology
Sanna Mäkeläinen, Vesa Selonen & Ilpo K. Hanski         
Effects of habitat availability and urbanization on survival in the Siberian flying squirrel
Kenta Uchida, Kei Suzuki, Tatsuki Shimamoto, Hisashi Yanagawa & Itsuro Koizumi                          
Effects of urbanization on vigilance behavior: flight initiation distance and antipredator behavior of Eurasian red squirrels

10.00–10.30 Coffee break

10.30-12.00 Session: Urban ecology, continued, Chair: John Koprowski
James Turner, Stephanie Reher, Lisa Warnecke & Kathrin Dausmann      
Seasonal energy balance of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) inhabiting a semi-urban environment
Suvi Hämäläinen, Karen Fey & Vesa Selonen                
Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in an urban environment - habitat and nest use during natal dispersal

General discussion
Announcement of the next colloquium in 2018
Closing of the colloquium

12.00–13.00 Lunch (Hotel Presidentti, Restaurant Sevilla)

Person in charge of the page: 
Laura Hiisivuori