Finnish Museum of Natural History

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Latest news from The Finnish museum of natural history

Finnish Mu­seum of Natural His­tory re­ceives Uni­versity of Helsinki Open Science Award


The Finnish Museum of Natural History was recognised for its extensive long-term work for open science. The first University of Helsinki Open Science Award was granted in 2017.

When ter­mites cul­tiv­ate fungi, the queen gets the best bits


Architecture, recycling and fungus cultivation are not inventions exclusive to humans! Termites living in Africa and South Asia have been advancing those innovations successfully for more than 30 million years.

Sig­ni­fic­ant in­sect col­lec­tion from Aca­dem­i­cian Hanski donated to the Finnish Mu­seum of Natural His­tory


Ilkka Hanski’s insect collection includes 13,423 pinned individuals from 343 species of little-known beetles and flies from Madagascar, Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra as well as parts of the African continent and South America.

The last mammoths died on a remote island


Isolation, extreme weather, and the possible arrival of humans may have killed off the holocene herbivores just 4,000 years ago.

First direct evidence for a mantle plume origin of Jurassic flood basalts in southern Africa


A group of geochemists from Finland and Mozambique suggests they have found the smoking gun in the Karoo magma province.

Organic animal farms benefit birds nesting in agricultural environments


Environmental subsidies for agriculture awarded by the European Union aim to improve biodiversity in agricultural environments.

Finnish researchers discover a new moth family


Two moth species new to science belonging to a previously unknown genus and family have been found in Kazakhstan, constituting an exceptional discovery.

Help bat researchers by collecting droppings!


A Finnish research group from Finnish Museum of Natural History is looking for volunteers to collect bat droppings (feces). The purpose of the project is to study how climate change affects the diet of bats. Sign up by the end of May!

Visitor numbers up at the Finnish Museum of Natural History in 2018


Last year, the public venues of the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus – the Natural History Museum and two botanic gardens – welcomed a total of 266,000 nature lovers of different ages. 

How can we slow down the decline of insects? The Entomology Team at the Finnish Museum of Natural History answers


News about the decline of insects has caused widespread concern. Experts explain what we can do to alleviate the situation.
