Finnish Museum of Natural History

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Latest news from The Finnish museum of natural history

The new Luonnontila website: Monitoring of biodiversity easily accessible


This October, the Finnish Environment Institute relaunched the website. The website summarises biodiversity monitoring data for Finland in the form of easy to understand indicators.

SYNTHESYS+ funding available to visit LUOMUS collections


LUOMUS is one of the SYNTHESYS+ organisations and we invite scientists not based in Finland to visit our collections. SYNTHESYS+ Transnational Access call 4, deadline 15 June 2022 (17:00 UK time)

Welcome to experience the Natural History Museum in a new light!


The "Art For Bones" exhibition brings the Natural History Museum to life as darkness falls, in the midst of the darkest time of the year, 15.–25.11. The audiovisual works address the diversity of nature, species extinctions, and reflect these against visions of the future.

Welcome to party! Festival in the Forest exhibition is open to the public!


When the collections of the zoology unit of the Finnish Museum of Natural History moved into their current building on Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu in 1923, it marked the birth of the Natural History Museum.

Experience seven museums


The event "Experience seven museums" spreads on the museums at the Helsinki centrum on Wednesday evening 23 November. There are two art performances in the Natural History Museum during the evening. Free entry from 17:00 to 22:00. 

The bird atlas survey invites people to observe birds – Join in from your summer cottage or trip to Lapland!


The Breeding Bird Atlas of Finland is part of the monitoring of biodiversity. Breeding observations for the atlas can be easily recorded using a number of applications until the end of 2025. Observations in Lapland in particular are needed to support research.

Illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade is affecting all of us – what can we do about it?


Illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade affects biodiversity, ecosystem services, people’s livelihood, and economies all over the world. Worldwide experts warn about the perils related to this activity and provide a roadmap for curbing its growth.

Finnish biod­iversity in­for­ma­tion man­age­ment in­spires glob­ally


The Finnish solution to include all types of biodiversity data and the whole data life cycle, from collection to use, in the same data infrastructure is unique.

Four lichen species new to science discovered in Kenyan cloud forests


Some of the newly described lichen species from the Micarea genus may be unique to the biodiversity hotspot that is the Taita Hills in Kenya. The area may contain even more lichen species yet to be discovered., the primary channel for information on invasive alien species, has been renewed


Data on invasive alien species is more easily and comprehensively available on the updated website. Content providers in the data service, maintained by the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF) and edited by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
