Finnish Museum of Natural History

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Latest news from The Finnish museum of natural history

A simple soft­ware er­ror cor­rec­ted: bit­ter­sweet chloro­plast gen­ome will be­come the model for an­nota­tions and night­shade com­par­at­ive ge­n­om­ics


Information about the organization and evolution of plastomes is crucial to improve crop plants and to resolve the phylogeny of photosynthetic organisms.

An endangered Vantaa resident: What on earth is the Hylochares cruentatus? foyer exhibition at the Natural History Museum


Do you know this endangered Vantaa resident? This year, the IHME Contemporary Art Festival is putting the spotlight on Vantaa’s most famous beetle: the Hylochares cruentatus. You can get to know the star of the Festival in the foyer of the Natural History Museum 15 May–10 June.

Great magma erup­tions had two sources


Research at Finnish Museum of Natural History may explain controversies related to great magma eruptions.

Beetles in the Spotlight -photo exhibition 5.4.-31.5.


LUOMUS has more than 13 million specimens in its collections, which constitute the national collections in the natural sciences. This year is the 340th anniversary of the national collections.

Mean­ing­ful con­ser­va­tion needs tax­onomy


Species are fundamental units of life and their reliable naming and definition are critical to the scientists and managers who study and conserve biodiversity. The global taxonomic community is concerned over a proposal suggesting non-scientific governance of taxonomic changes.

Fish the primary source of nutrition in medieval Northern Ostrobothnia, a recent study reveals


Researchers investigated the diet of people buried in the Ii Hamina cemetery from the 15th to the 17th centuries by analysing isotopes in the bones of the deceased. Isotopes preserve information on the various nutrient sources used by humans during their lifetime.

Public attractions of Luomus are closed on Wed 28.2.


In case of a strike at the University of Helsinki, the Natural History Museum and the glasshouses of Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden are closed on Wednesday 28.2.2018. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Visitor record for Luomus in 2017


Last year, a total of 248,000 people of all ages visited the public attractions of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, i.e., the Natural History Museum and the two botanic gardens.

Trop­ics be­came the cen­ter of biod­iver­si­fic­a­tion 465 mil­lion years ago


The global Great Biodiversification Event took place mainly within the tropics as the seas cooled down after the hothouse of the Early Ordovician period.

We thank you for the past year and wish you...


We here at Luomus have enjoyed a busy, diverse, and successful year. We are most grateful to all our partners for fruitful collaboration and to all the more than 200,000 friends of nature who have visited the Natural History Museum and our Botanic Gardens during the year.
