Finnish Museum of Natural History

Kumpula Botanic Garden

Visiting the garden is subject to a fee and tickets are sold in the manor building.

Opening hours

Summer 2024: Opening hours will be announched later. 

During days when the garden is open one may exit the main gate until 6 pm, after which you may exit the garden through a rotating gate until 8 pm. Unfortunately, wheelchairs, bicycles and prams cannot be taken through the rotating gate.

Entrance fees

Please, buy your ticket to the garden at the manor. The ticket is valid to both the garden and the geological collections in the manor. 

Basic fees
Ticket 9 €
Discounted ticket 6 €
Adult groups (min 10 person)  
Conscripts, persons undergoing non-military service  
The unemployed  
Employees of the University of Helsinki / Members of the Helsinki Alumni –community  
Students and children 7–17 years 4 €
Free entrance - free, report at the ticket office
Children under 7 years (except in groups)
Group leaders
Assistants for the disabled  
Finnish veterans  
With ICOM-card  
Biology students of Helsinki University  
Kindergarten, primary and secondary school, upper secondary and vocational school teachers  
Members of Kasvitieteellisen puutarhan ystävät ry  
Entrance fees for groups
Kindergarten and school groups 3 €/person
Groups of 0-17-year-olds. Fee is collected from all group members (also under 7 year-olds). The group instructors have free entrance

Accepted methods of payment are

Cash, bank/credit cards (Visa, Visa Electron and MasterCard) Smartum 5-euro-Liikunta- ja Kulttuuriseteli ”culture voucher”, SmartumPay, Epassi app and Museum Card. Groups may also pay their entrance fees by invoice. N.B.! Invoices can only be sent to Finnish postal addresses. The invoice is filled in when arriving to the museum. For billing please take with you the necessary billing information (including business ID for registered organizations and businesses). Billing fee is 8 €.

Culture Companion operation 

Kumpula Botanic Garden is part of the Culture Companion operation. The operation is intended for everyone who finds it difficult to visit a cultural attraction, or who would prefer to visit an attraction accompanied by another person. A voluntary culture companion will accompany you at the botanic garden and assist or guide you to the garden, if necessary. The Natural History Museum and Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden are also part of the Culture Companion operation. 

How to get there

The Kumpula Botanical garden is located near the Kumpula campus. The entrance is on Jyrängöntie 2. The entrance on Kumpulantaival at the western side of the garden is closed (please see the map below). Driving instructions can be found later at this page.

Show Kumpula Botanic garden on a bigger map.


Public transport

Buses which travel through Hämeentie stop at the Kumpula campus. The distance from the bus stops to the main entrance on Jyrängötie is approximately 500 meters.

Buses which travel through Mäkelänkatu stop at the Pyöräilystadion stop. The distance from there to the entrance on Jyrängöntie is approximately 1000 meters.

Trams 6 and 8 stop at Hämeentie. The distance between the stop and the garden is approximately 500 meters.


There is a bicycle stand outside the gate at Jyrängöntie 2.

Parking space

The garden has 8 (4 h) parking spaces for cars and one buss park space, reserved for visitors to the garden in front of the garden entrance (Jyrängöntie 2). You may also look for parking space at the Kumpula campus (Pietari Kalm, Ernst Lindelöf, Gustaf Hällström and Väinö Auer streets). You can get to the garden from the campus via the sand road (closed with a barrier) beside the red brick particle acceleration laboratory. Some parking space is also located under the Hämeentie bridge. Parking for busses is located in front of the main entrance (Jyrängöntie 2).

Driving instructions to the Kumpula garden starting October 2023

Coming from the centre:

  • Turn right from Hämeentie to Haukilahdenkatu (there’s a sign). The intersection is the first one after the Sturenkatu intersection and right at the St. Paul’s church.
  • Take the first left (there’s a sign)
  • Drive to the end of the road (there’s also a sign)
  • Drive over the small bridge
  • Turn left below the Hämeentie bridge
  • Past the skating park, the road first takes a small turn to the right over an old railway (the rails have already been removed, but the signs are still in place) and then to the left, uphill towards the garden’s main gate.

Coming from north:

  • Over the bridge that comes after the Arabianranta intersection
  • Take the first right after the bridge (the sign is a bit obstructed by vegetation)
  • The road goes under the Hämeentie bridge
  • Take the first left
  • Over the small bridge (there’s a sign)
  • Turn left below the Hämeentie bridge (you’ll go under Hämeentie twice)
  • Past the skating park, the road first takes a small turn to the right over an old railway (the rails have already been removed, but the signs are still in place) and then to the left, uphill towards the garden’s main gate.

Customer service and contact information

The entrance to The Kumpula Botanical garden is on Jyrängöntie 2. The botanic garden and the geological collections in Kumpula are open during the summer season. The ticket sales to the garden is situated in the manor building, where also the geological collections are on display. The garden ticket includes entrance to the geological collections.

Ticket sales and customer service: tel. +358 (0)2941 28870 (during opening hours)
Guided tours: tel. +358 (0)2941 28855 Mon. at 13–15.
Information about guided turs and on-lone booking of tours on the page for Guided tours.
Events, venue booking and photography permits:
More information on the page for venue booking and photography permits (in Finnish).
General enquiries:
University of Helsinki switchboard: 0294 1911.

When enquiring about guided tours, venues or photography permits, please remember to mention which destination you are interested in, as the Finnish Museum of Natural History – Luomus, encompasses several visitor destinations including the Natural History Museum, Kumpula Botanic Garden, Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden and the geological collections in Kumpula garden.

NB! There is no telephone service for guided tours (apart from the cash desk) during school holidays: weeks 52-2 (Christmas), week 8 (winter break), weeks 25–31 (summer break), week 42 (autumn break) and midweek holidays.

Practical tips


Download a map,

Kuva: Mikko Paartola

Planning a picnic?

You can also have a picnic on the garden lawn. Open fires and grilling are forbidden. Be careful of the plantings. You must clean up after yourselves. 

Café is temporary closed.

Taking pictures and filming

You may take pictures for your own use. If you intend to publish any pictures, you must mention the location. Taking pictures for commercial use must be discussed beforehand.


Visit the geological collections in the garden manor.

Information about events and tours for the public on Luomus event page (in Finnish).


Touching the plant collections and taking parts of plants home is forbidden. Some of the plants in the collections are poisonous and some cause irritation. It is not allowed to organize events or parties at the garden.

Riding a bicycle, jogging, walking a dog (excluding guide dogs), swimming, grilling and being drunk in the garden is not allowed. Open fires are also forbidden. You are allowed to take a dog to the café area. Smoking is only permitted in the designated area.


  • Kumpula Botanic Garden is a disability card destination.
  • The garden is accessible for wheelchairs and prams during its opening hours (Tue.–Sun. 11 am – 6 pm). After 6 pm (until 8 pm), the exit is through a rotating gate. Wheelchairs and prams cannot be taken through the rotating gate.
  • The paths in the garden are paved with grave. The garden has some steep hills, but you can avoid them by choosing gently sloping routes. Reserve enough time for your visit.
  • The ticket sales at the manor is accessible, but the exhibition spaces for the geological collections are for the most part not accessible nor are the toilets in the manor building.
  • The café building is accessible with wheelchair and pram, but somewhat cramped in places. A wheelchair accessible toilet with a babycare table is found in connection to the café.
  • Personal assistants have free entry to the garden.
  • Guide dogs and service dogs are welcome at the garden. 
  • The garden does not have accessible parking spaces. The closest parking places are outside the gate (Jyrängöntie 2).

For more information on accessibility, please, call the customer service and ticket sales (tel.) – we are happy to help!


Person in charge of the page: 
Laura Sandholm